Daily Data Display Wall

Each day for the duration of the Day-to-Day Data exhibition at Angel Row Gallery and Aspex Gallery Ellie recorded data about her everyday life onto Daily Data Log sheets. Every morning the data was compiled into a series of 20 Daily Data Results. These were then emailed to the gallery and used by the gallery staff to reconfigure or reprogramme each of the 20 items making up the Daily Data Display Wall.
The Daily Data Display Wall uses a wild variety of data visualisation methods, some quite literal such as two moving led signs (displaying a list of foods eaten and a list of people spoken to) and others more abstract such as the 10 different sized spheres, of which only one is displayed each day (these reflect, on a scale of 1 - 10, the UV index at 12 noon). A list of all the 20 items can be seen in the ‘instruction manual’ for daily reconfiguration by clicking on the link to the right under ‘Further Reference’.
For this project Ellie takes on two roles - she is both the ‘Daily Data Logger’ and the ‘specimen’ - simultaneously collecting the information and being the source of it. In the installation the Daily Data Logger acts as a ‘tour guide’. The central TV screen shows a film in which the miniature sized Daily Data Logger points to and describes what each of the items surrounding her represent and how they relate to the life of the human specimen.
The Daily Data Logger is a data enthusiast who wears a special red tracksuit and has a utility belt jam-packed with data collecting devices and equipment including: a clicker counter, talking clinical thermometer, electronic alcohol breath tester, UV monitor / atmospheric thermometer, GPS system, talking pedometer, electronic counter, spare batteries and a notepad and pen. The specimen is much more of an introverted person, who is slightly embarrassed and certainly annoyed at the constant observation, monitoring and measuring it has to endure.
At both venues where the Daily Data Display Wall has been shown, gallery staff were asked to photograph the display, from a fixed point, at the start of each day. You can view the images taken by clicking on the links to the right under ‘Further Reference’. The camera was left within reach of the public for the duration of the exhibition. Some of the images have suffered as a result of it being tampered with. Some days are also missing photographs when gallery staff forgot the last of their daily duties!
Further Reference
- Installation images
- Daily Data Log sheets
- Instruction Manual for Daily Reconfiguration
- Video of the Daily Data Logger on Vimeo
- Video of Daily Data Display Wall on Vimeo
- Daily photographs Angel Row Gallery (part 1)
- Daily photographs Angel Row Gallery (part 2)
- Daily photographs Aspex Gallery
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- The History of Revolution: Ellie Harrison’s Fireworks Display
- Press Release
- General Election Drinking Game
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- Vending Machine
- The History of Financial Crises
- Transactions
- Know Your Thinkers & Theorists
- Angel Row Jukebox
- Self-Destruction (Building Site Ballot)
- I’ve Been Watching You
- Daily Data Display Room
- Daily Data Display Wall
- Sneezes 2003
- The Monthly Sculptures Determined by the Daily Quantification Records
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- Statistics Are Hot Air
- TicTac Typing & Peanut Typing
- Mass = Energy = Time
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- Kinetic Cake vs Kinetic Carrot