This is an archived page from the Website Archive of British artist Ellie Harrison from Version 3.0 (active 2008 - 2015). New website:

last updated
15th July 2015

Each day for the duration of the Day-to-Day Data exhibition at Danielle Arnaud contemporary art, Ellie recorded data about 10 different aspects of her everyday life. Every morning that the gallery was open to the public, the data collected the previous day was collated and transformed into a unique ‘instruction sheet’.

These instruction sheets were then emailed to Danielle Arnaud who used them each morning to reconfigure or reprogramme the six sets of objects that make up the Daily Data Display Room.

Within the Daily Data Display Room, five of these sets of objects were used to display the results of five ongoing experiments to test whether there is any correlation between different day-to-day events and experiences occurring in Ellie’s life. To carry out these experiments, Ellie again took on the dual role of Daily Data Logger and specimen. (For more details on this split personality see the information referring to the Daily Data Display Wall - the first installation employing these two characters).

The five experiments aimed to test whether there is a correlation between:

- The outside temperature and the number of cups of tea the specimen drinks (represented by the height of the ball above the ground and the size of the ball itself).

- The time the specimen spends sleeping and the number of arguments it has (represented by the brightness of the floodlight and the colour of the gel attached to it).

- The amount of time the specimen spends on its computer and the number of people it speaks to (represented by the speed at which the fan revolves and the number of miniature mirror balls clipped to its fins).

- The specimen’s age and the number of steps it manages to walk (represented by the distance of the measuring cylinder from the back wall and the number of tennis balls it contains).

- Whether on not the specimen is hungover and the number of good ideas it has (represented by whether or not the police light is on and the amount of air in the inflatable banana).

The sixth object in the Daily Data Display Room was not used to display the results of an experiment, but instead displayed a variable, which only occurred once during the exhibition. This variable was ‘the specimen’s birthday’ and was represented by the disco ball being on for this one day. This variable was monitored to see what effect it may have on the data collected for the other five experiments, when it did occur.

Within the installation the Daily Data Logger featured as the presenter of an explanatory film. The Daily Data Logger moved between each of the three monitors pointing at and describing the significance of the objects, in front and above her, as she went. View the individual instruction sheets by clicking on the link to the right under ‘Further Reference’ for a detailed diagram of each of the sets of objects described above.